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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Is it easier for young people to have success?

Why do Some People Break Through Easier and Others Seem to Struggle Forever?Yesterday, I shared a quick story of a 12 year old boy from Holland who has made $12,000 in the last 4 months with Empower Network.Many people were shocked that this young kid was able to have success so quickly.After seeing this young man's success Cecelia and

Risk Free Saturdray - 7 Spots Just Opened - Today Only -[NEW] Video Explains ALL

Because we know that successful people make decisions quickly... ... and change their minds slowly, if ever at all. While unsuccessful people make decisions very slowly, and change their minds very quickly. If you are destined to be successful, there are 2 things that you must do IMMEDIATELY. #1 - Make sure that you've watched this video - NEW video explains ALL. #2 - If you've already watched the video in the link above... ... Just Get In Here (FAST!) Risk Free Saturday Details... If you've been watching, following along and even seriously considering getting started with us in Empower Network... Today is your lucky day - if you are fast enough that is! Because 7 people are going to get started today... With a 100% Risk Free Membership. The last time we did this, every spot SOLD OUT FAST. WARNING: This offer expires at 11:59 pm Eastern (New York Time), on Saturday April 27th... or... When all 7 Spots are fi

[30 minute Reminder] Saturday Morning LIVE.... 10am EST - Come Mastermind with us

Gratitude On this hangout we will be discussing Chapter 7 of 'The Science of Getting Rich Come join us as we dig into the processes for getting rich. In chapter 6 we covered the Chapter How Riches Come to you We learned that it is important to give to your fellow man more in use value than you take from him in cash value. When you do this, you are adding to the life of the world in every business transaction and you create more abundance in the world. As you create more abundance, it makes it possible to receive more abundance. We also learned that God, Omnipotence, or Nature wants you to have an abundant life and that the desire for more is good. God is trying to live and do and enjoy things through humanity, and the only way to do that is by having more, doing more, and being more. God cannot fully express himself through us if we do not have the ability to accomplish all we desire. come join us in as we discuss Chapter 7 Gratitude Join us as we dig into the processes for getti