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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Create a Google Plus Event to promote your company Call, hangout, or webinar

You are Receiving this message because you Subscribed to this Mailing list, If you would like to be removed, Click Here Remember to Download Images... Training/Marketing Tip of the Day Welcome to Marketing Mastery Success with Samantha Create a Google Plus Event to promote your company Call, hangout, or webinar Looking for more ways to get people to your company calls, webinars, or hangouts? When you use events, you give people the opportunity to view your business in a non salesy kind of way. Plus, when they click respond and say that they will go, that gives you a list of people to follow up with! read more... Samantha Studebaker-Carl I am here to help YOU be more successful! If at anytime, you have questions, comments or suggestions, please reply directly to this newsletter. Free Coaching Webinar Learn how to Earn $1000/daily 3 Easy ways to make $$$ Turn $40 into $160 - $400 Weekly Now Hiring! $30- $60

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