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Sunday, February 17, 2013

The greatest expression of love is being able to give to those you love

The greatest expression of love is being able to give to those you love "To live fully in soul, a person must have love, and love is denied fullest expression by poverty. A person Love finds its most natural and spontaneous expression in giving. The individual who has nothing to give cannot fill his place as a spouse or parent, as a citizen, or as a human being. It is in the use of material things that a person finds full life for his body, develops his mind, and unfolds his soul. It is therefore of supreme importance to each individual to be rich. It is perfectly right that you should desire to be rich. if you are a normal man or woman you cannot help doing so. it is perfectly right that you should give your best attention to the science of getting rich, for it is the noblest and most necessary of all studies. If you neglect this study, you are derelict in your duty to yoursel

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