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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

[LIVE] Is Your Ego Blocking Your Bank Account? Join us at 1pm EST

Your Ego Could be Costing you Thousands! Last night on our Weekly team training call Nicole talked about how her Ego cost her about $200,000. Today on our LIVE hangout we're going to talk about how to keep your EGO from getting in the way of your success. Everyday, thousand upon thousands of people wish they had a better life, dream of spending more time with their families, pray they don't have to work 60-80 hrs a week until the day they die... But only a few actually make the change in their lives necessary to create the future they want. Why is that? Why do some people have success while the rest wallow in failure? What do the successful people do that the rest of society fails to do? What steps can they take to make the changes necessary to create the abundant life they want? Today we will be sharing our experiences, talk about Nicole on last nights call, and give you the action plan to start creating results in your life starting today. Click Here and Refresh this page at 1pm

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