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Thursday, May 2, 2013

Have you ever been inspired by a movie, only to loose your motivation the next day?

Last night I watched the movie "The Big Year" It was very inspiring because the characters in the movie were highly motivated to follow their passion and reach a goal.Have you ever been inspired to get off your but and start working on your dreams because of a motivational movie.. But somehow, that motivation faded and you couldn't sustain the feeling. How many times has that happened to you? I can't tell you how many times I was inspired by a movie like this but then I couldn't keep the feeling up long enough to accomplish anything. But then I discovered a better way and I'm now keeping my motivation strong and helping others do the same...Click to see what I'm talking about....See you over there! Samantha Studebaker-Carl P.S. Click here to learn the Chicago Secrets of the FREEDOM lifestyle

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