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Friday, May 17, 2013

Saturday Morning Mastermind 10am EST - How to Use the Will

Further Use of the Will On this hangout we'll be discussing Chapter 10 of 'The Science of Getting Rich Come join us as we dig into the processes for getting rich. In chapter 9 we covered the Chapter Use of the Will We learned that we cannot use our will outside of ourselves. In order to become rich we must not try to force or coerce other people to do what we want done. The Science of Getting Rich tells us that we don't have to try and compel things to come to us. To get rich, we only have to apply the power of the will on ourselves to keep thinking and acting in the Certain Way. The more focused we are on holding the vision of what we want, while also having faith and being grateful, the fast riches come to us. We also learned that a negative thought of doubt or unbelief will push away wealth just as fast as faith and gratefulness will bring it toward us. So the most important thing we can do if we want to get rich, is to use the power of our will to keep the vision in the fore fr

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