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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Saturday Morning Mastermind 10am EST - Efficient Action

Saturday Mastermind - Efficient Action On this hangout we'll be discussing Chapter 12 of 'The Science of Getting Rich Come join us as we dig into the processes for getting rich. In chapter 11 we covered the Chapter Acting in the Certain Way We learned that even though thinking in the certain way will start riches moving toward us through the creative process, Acting in the certain way is what will connect us with those riches through organizing ourselves and our business in such a way that the riches have a channel through which to come. Action is necessary because you must give value to the market place in order to receive the riches you desire. When you act and think in the certain way, there is a movement of what you desire toward you and when it reaches you it will be in the hands of other people, who will ask an equivalent for them. By thought, the thing you want is brought to you, by action you receive it. come join us in as we discuss Chapter 12 Efficient Action Refresh the pag

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