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Thursday, December 20, 2012

We are LIVE! The EMPOWER Vision For 2013.. $150 Million in Commisions

2012 was the most badass year, ever. Dave and Dave were able to take an idea, a philosophy that didn't exist anywhere in the world, and with the unity, vision, and power of... The Most Badass Marketers Ever: Turn a dream into a reality - a reality that surpassed even my wildest expectation of what could be. Empower Network. Has revolutionized the way that you think about getting money online. Tonight, Dave Wood is going to lay out what we're doing in 2013. The Vision. The Money. The How. We're Taking It To A Whole New Level. Click HERE and join us at 9pm EST. 2013 is the year of the army. It is the year that we break through to heights that have not been seen... ...on the internet: Or anywhere. It's the year that you get what you want. It's the year that you are given the power, the resources, the vision, the direction - the tools, the system - the community, the culture... take your life from where you are - to where you're destined to be. This is not just about getting money. T

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