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Thursday, December 20, 2012

You Don’t have to Completely Overcome Shyness to have Success in a Home Business Think you have to Overcome Shyness to have Success in Network Marketing? Think again! You Don’t have to completely overcome shyness. Not everybody knows my story, where I came from, or how I got started in Empower Network; This video is actually geared specifically to a narrow group of individuals whos social awkwardness has held them back from having more success. So, if you’re one of those people who have been in and out of the network marketing industry for years and years, and never been able to figure out how to overcome shyness and create success, or maybe you’ve been in looking online for ways to make money; maybe you’ve been trying to start a home business off and on for many, many years and your fear of people phobia has always gotten in the way…. Did you think you had to overcome shyness and get on the phone? If you thought that in order to have success with network marketing, you had stop being shy and

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